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"Prophetic Activism lives at the intersection of Black Liberation Theologies and Critical Race and Social Learning Theories. It dissects the ongoing history of the oppression of people of African descent through the fight for Black lives to matter, empowering the hope for future generations."

- Dr. Everett

Prophetic Activism provides activists, organizers, faith leaders, and social entrepreneurs a framework to work for justice developed through a liberation lens and grounded in faith, bringing clarity and wokeness to ministry.

Dr. Anthony Everett is a prophetic activist, public theologian, and social entrepreneur. With experience in corporate, academic, and non-profit spaces, his work honors communities of African descent, specifically Black boys and Black men, from around the world that continue to fight for good over evil while upholding the light of justice.


Dr. Everett started his work of prophetic activism early in his life. In high school, he learned about the atrocity of Apartheid in South Africa; inspired, he joined the anti-apartheid movement. Not long after, as a student at Howard University, he became engaged with the movement for the liberation of Zimbabwe.


"At an early age, I became committed to the struggle for liberation for all people, but especially those of African descent within my context of the United States of America. Lessons of personal integrity, a family history of rising above enslavement, a spiritual journey rife with critical and polemical debate, and a desire for social justice strengthened my resolve that Black people could accomplish anything we put our minds to, God willing." - Dr. Everett


He transitioned to the corporate world and completed his undergraduate work in organizational management at Paul Quinn College. As an executive, Dr. Everett led teams across ethnic, racial, nationality, and cultural lines to create more diverse, inclusive, and equitable environments for co-workers.

Influenced by St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church of Dallas, Texas, and the prophetic preaching and public theology of his mentor, Reverend Zan W. Holmes Jr., Dr. Everett completed the Master of Divinity program with Urban Ministry Certification at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University.


He was inspired early on by his great grandfather, Reverend George Harvey Everett, who envisioned that his descendants would become doctors, do justice, and serve humanity. Realizing prophetic activism was his true calling, Dr. Everett completed the Cummings/Walker Fellowship in the Prophetic Preaching and Praxis doctoral cohort at United Theological Seminary. He is proud to live out this dream of his ancestor.


Dr. Everett is an advocate for the human rights of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. He envisions building and leading a movement of prophetic activists who empower and mobilize marginalized and oppressed people for holistic social transformation.

His work is truly a life-long commitment to social justice through prophetic activism. Starting from his own identity and expanding globally, Dr. Everett is focused on moving intersectionality forward.





Momentum through thoughtful frameworks



A lens for change grounded in faith

Faith-based and justice-centered

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